Get Started


  • API Key: Before you can start using the APIs, you need to obtain an API key. Register your application on the Fincurious Portal to get your API key. Registration
  • Base URL: All API requests should be made to the base URL:


To access the APIs, include your API key in the request headers.
Here’s how to set it up:


Replace client-id & client-secret with the API key you obtained from the Portal.

Please Find the below screenshot for your reference.


API Endpoints

1. Modules API (GET)

Endpoint: /modules

Description: Retrieve a list of available modules.

2. Chapters API (GET)

Endpoint: /chapters

Description: Retrieve a list of chapters within a specific module.

3. Sections API (GET)

Endpoint: /sections

Description: Retrieve a list of sections within a specific chapter.

4. Register User API (POST)

Endpoint: /register

Description: Register a new user with the required details.


You can test the APIs using tools like Postman or CURL. Ensure you have your API key ready and follow the example requests provided above.